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Skylights and Velux Roof Windows: The Sustainable Benefits Of Skylights - Eco Sustainable House

Skylights and Velux Roof Windows: The Sustainable Benefits Of Skylights

Skylights make a sustainable improvement to any home. As an excellent source of natural light, skylights emit over three times as much light as a same-sized vertical window, the Australian government reports. Skylights therefore save energy on heating and cooling, contribute to a healthier, cleaner home environment, and cut down on your energy bills. Here are some of the sustainable benefits you can expect from installing skylights in your own home.

Eliminates mould and mildew

Windowless roofs are prone to harbouring moisture which causes mould and mildew. In some cases, mould and mildew need treating with harsh chemicals (typically bleach) toxic to the environment. Mould spores also lower indoor air quality and exacerbate allergies and asthma causing irritated eyes, nose, and throat. Skylights eliminate mould and mildew by letting in light, a natural deterrent to fungi and bacteria. They also warm up the temperature which reduces mould-friendly moisture. Getting mould and mildew professionally removed can cost from $200 for one ceiling, so skylights can save money by avoiding the problem in the first place.

Energy savings

Skylights improve energy efficiency by heating and cooling your home with less need for a HVAC system. It’s essential your skylights are correctly installed, however, so there’s no possibility of drafts or excess heat which could spike energy bills. Switching to a double pane skylight can also reduce heat loss by 15%, saving roughly $2,500 in energy costs. Ideally, a skylight with a southern exposure will warm the home best in winter months. Also use insulated wood, vinyl, or fiberglass window frames instead of energy-inefficient aluminium and steel.

Natural light

VELUX Skylights let in plenty of natural light so you use less artificial lighting. To get the most out of the natural light, install your skylights based on cardinal directions rather than aesthetics. North-facing windows are good for even levels of sunlight throughout the day without too much glare. South-facing windows are also good for lighting and limiting heat during warm months and increasing it during cold spells. On the other hand, east- and west-facing windows are good for lighting, but not for solar heating in the winter.

Skylights have plenty of sustainable benefits which reduce energy use and save money. But, the increase in natural light is also good for your own mental health. When you’re exposed to sunlight, you get a serotonin boost and your mood increases. Ultimately, skylights are great for the environment, your wallet, and your quality of life.


Alicia Rennoll (Environmental Research)

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